Marilyn Lidor

Marilyn Lidor

Post-ET Myelofibrosis Patient & Patient Advocate

In her professional life, Marilyn worked for many years as a programmer in the Systems Department at Bell Canada. Following her departure from Bell Canada, she became an Event Coordinator until her retirement in 2011. Marilyn was diagnosed with post-ET myelofibrosis in 2014. By the fall of 2019 her hemoglobin had dropped below 80 and her spleen was moderately enlarged. At that point, her MPN specialist at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto asked if she’d be interested in participating in a trial.

At the end of Oct 2019, Marilyn enrolled in a Phase 1/2 trial called CPI-0610 (Arm 3). She takes a combination of CPI-0610 & Ruxolitinib and is not experiencing any side effects from the meds. She’s been on the trial for 9 months and it's going well. So far she has met all the end points of the trial – an increased hemoglobin, a decrease in spleen size and a lessening of the fibrosis in her bone marrow. Since her diagnosis, Marilyn has become part of a larger network of MPN patients and is a member of the Planning Committee for the Canadian MPN Network Conference held annually in Toronto.