John D. Shaughnessy Jr, PhD

John D. Shaughnessy Jr, PhD

Professor of MedicineUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Dr. Shaughnessy is Professor of Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). He was formally Director of the Donna D. and Donald M. Lambert Laboratory of Myeloma Genetics and led the Division of Basic Sciences at the Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy.

Dr. Shaughnessy began his PhD studies in 1987 and received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in 1993. His dissertation research was conducted at the National Cancer Institute’s Laboratory of Genetics. Dr. Shaughnessy’s earliest work focused on the molecular-­‐basis of plasma cell malignancies using the BALB/c plasmacytoma model developed by his mentor, Dr. Michael Potter. A postdoctoral fellowship in the Mammalian Genetics Laboratory of NCI’s Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center followed. Here his research shifted to using retroviral tagging to identify genes that cause myeloid leukemia. These studies lead to the identification and cloning of the IL17RB and MRVI1 genes and the seminal discovery of the role of HOXA7, HOXA9, MEIS1, and NUP98 genes in human AML. Dr. Shaughnessy joined the Myeloma Institute at UAMS in 1997 and in close collaboration with Dr. Bart Barlogie, built one of the earliest and largest clinico-genomic archives of human myeloma disease. Dr. Shaughnessy has been a pioneer in the use of genomics in translational cancer research and is a holder of numerous patents on the molecular diagnosis, classification, and prognosis of myeloma. In 2010, Dr. Shaughnessy founded Signal Genetics, Inc, (formally Myeloma Health, LLC) with the aim to personalize therapy for patients with myeloma. In 2003, he and his team published a seminal study in the New England Journal of Medicine identifying the mechanism of myeloma bone destruction, which has now also been linked to bone metastases in other cancers and bone erosion of rheumatoid arthritis. Over five major pharmaceutical companies are developing therapies based on this patented technology. Dr. Shaughnessy has published 191 peer-­‐reviewed manuscripts and has presented over 189 invited lectures at national and international meetings.