Eric Hansen

Eric Hansen

Patient Advocate

[Editor’s note (11/27/2018): Eric passed away in late 2018. Eric was a devoted husband, father and beloved member of the myeloma community.]

Eric Hansen had just retired when he and his wife Jeanne received his diagnosis of multiple myeloma in March 2012. At that time, his prognosis was between three to four years. Eric had both a stem cell transplant and radiation and suffered through two infections and double pneumonia. He is quick to note, though, that he still enjoys “the fun stuff,” particularly vacations with Jeanne and fishing for salmon. Eric has learned a few lessons about being a cancer patient: Get connected, find credible websites, become knowledgeable, put your own team together, and be your own advocate. His prognosis is now seven to 10 years. As he puts it, “Science is moving quickly on cancer. I need to run to keep up with it.”