Christina Fisher
CLL Patient and AdvocateChristina Fisher lives in (not so) Boring, Oregon near Mt. Hood with her husband Shane and three grown kids nearby. She has used her degrees in finance and construction job costing to grow her real estate business of over 30 years, enjoying the life stories from clients the most over the years.
After chasing a diagnosis for almost a year, in 2013 the news of CLL arrived, and Christina stayed on watch and wait for almost four years. Currently under the watchful eye of Dr. Alexey Danilov and his superb team at OHSU in Portland, on August 17 she entered into a drug trial for 15 months that maintained PFS but had only six weeks off treatment before beginning a new treatment on January 19 with venetoclax (Venclexta) and rituximab/hyaluronidase human (Rituxan-Hycela) injections. Christina currently is looking forward to a great outcome and maybe one day a chronic treatment regimen discovered by The Danilov Lab.
Recently, she was recruited and volunteered to become the co-facilitator for the new Portland CLL support group and is looking forward to making connections with fellow patients who understand the journey.
Growing up in the country in Oregon, Chrstina enjoyed all kinds of outdoor activities like ski racing, horses and motorcycle riding. She is still doing those activities on good days and also remains active by paddleboarding, camping and enjoying her beautiful surroundings.